Saturday, June 30, 2018

Holy Crap!

      Three months ago I wrote a series of posts about the danger of artificial intelligence, first was Artificial Intelligence, the second was Danger, third was Twilight Zone well it turns out my predictions were nowhere near as dire as where we are right now. Within 5 years things will be far worse than I thought and within 20 years the world may be under control of artificial intelligence and there will be no stopping it.
      An old friend sent me this video this morning, Do you trust this computer? The video is an hour and 18 minutes. There are times when the audio stops and starts, but there is another link below the video that purports to have full sound. The video documents how we have already been influenced by artificial intelligence. It also shows how AI can learn so rapidly and so much more than a human brain can. AI programming has taught computers how to out think any human in any game. AI is no longer the student, it is the master. The most frightening thing about AI is that it has no conscience, it is given a task and reacts to solve the issue. So if a rogue nation were to give it the task of eliminating another rival nation, AI would simply do it with no hesitation. AI could decide on its own to eliminate the human race with robots, drones and any other weapons it creates. If this last statement sounds preposterous, watch the video and you will be convinced it is not at all. The greatest minds in our world are scared to death about what is happening at the moment.

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