Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Twilight Zone 1806

      As anyone can clearly see, this is a beautiful woman, don't you agree? I think any young man would be attracted to her. He would say hello, hoping perhaps they would "hit it off" and maybe go out together, but there is a problem here.
      She is not a woman, nor is she a man in drag. She is an android robot. If you were fooled at first, I think most people would be fooled by her. The thing that concerns me is that she is still an early rendition of human-like androids. What happens when androids are so realistic that we can no longer tell the difference? This android is operating off a software program as all robots are. In the future, we will have artificially intelligent robots that will be as smart or more than humans. We will have to know how to speak with them in a manner that they will understand. Every application is written with precise syntax and with word constructs most humans will not understand. We speak using slang phrases I do not think androids will understand.
       What will a robot do when hearing "life would be better if he was no longer around?" What would a robot do about that? A more recent phrase, "bite me," will the robot bite a chunk off your flesh?
      Lastly, the new Amazon stationary robot products like Echo and Alexa record and store everything you tell them and store it on servers out of your control.They also record things said that you don't want them to hear. People have already been convicted of crimes using those devices. Microsoft Cortana records and stores anything it hears off your computer and away from your control. In the near future we may not control robots; they may control us. Imagine the day when your android house cleaning robot glares at you, threatens you and then sits down on the couch and orders you to do the housework or else he/she/it will take punitive action against you! The Twilight Zone is upon us.

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