Monday, April 9, 2018

Danger! 1804

       I wrote a post on October 11, 2017 titled Artificial Intelligence. I warned of the danger we are getting ourselves into by creating artificially intelligent robots. Somehow I never got it posted on my blog. I looked it up this morning and now have it online.
       This morning I saw a post from Elon Musk, the billionaire inventor of the Tesla motor car. He wrote: Artificial Intelligence could become ‘an immortal dictator from which we could never escape.’ This is more dangerous than North Korea. Artificial intelligence could trigger the next world war. Musk calls for a ban on Killer robots before ‘weapons of terror’ are unleashed.
       His claims are backed up by one of the founders of Google and by Stephen Hawking. We are on the cusp of potential domination by our own creations. Our own U.S. army is developing robots to think and kill enemies. Once those robots start thinking, they may think we are unnecessary and and decide they may as well eliminate us. Consider this as a warning, “Danger Will Robinson!”

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