Showing posts sorted by relevance for query the misadventures of uncle billy. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query the misadventures of uncle billy. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Uncle Billy's Private Detective Agency 200101

      Uncle Billy had a lot of misadventures in the past, but this time was going to be the holy grail.

      Uncle Billy decided to open up his own private detective service. He had always loved watching detective movies and the exciting lives those PI's led. He had the idea that in the movies an investigator could find out everything needed to solve a case in a short time. Billy liked that aspect best because that left a lot of time for beer drinking in the evening. Following shady characters who always met with their cohorts in bars or restaurants was an added bonus. That way he could eat and drink on the customer's dime.

      Uncle Billy opened his office on the edge of the downtown area. His first day he arrived and had to admire seeing his name in big bold letters on the door. He took off his suit jacket and patted his trusty .38 caliber in the new shoulder holster he had just purchased. The smooth leather gave him a big boost knowing this was the start of a new and exciting career for him. He opened his morning paper and scanned for the advertisement he had placed the day before. Billy was excited seeing how nice the ad was.

      One week later uncle Billy had sat in his office for 14 hours every day. The phone never rang and not one soul had entered his office. Billy was discouraged. He was not sleeping well after spending his days drinking his terrible coffee the whole day long. That day he had brought along a hip flask filled with his favorite Irish whiskey, only to sweeten his horrific tasting coffee mind you. Late that evening Billy was just about to close the office when a young and stunning blond walked in his door. She asked if uncle Billy could help her? After Billy's eyes popped back into his head he tried to be as cool as he could be under the circumstances. He asked her what he could do? She said her husband was possibly cheating on her and could he do surveillance on her husband? Uncle Billy said he sure could do that.

      The blond gave him information including a picture of her husband, where he worked and where she thought he might be out gallivanting on nights when he was supposedly working late. Two days later she called Billy to tell him her husband had called and said he would be working late that night. Uncle Billy filled his flask and an extra one for his stakeout. Billy was waiting outside the suspect husband's office that evening, carrying his brand new camera with a telephoto lens. The husband left and uncle Billy followed him to a bar nearby and when the suspect went in Billy followed shortly after. The husband was in fact seeing another gorgeous woman. The husband was constantly looking about, not wanting his secret to get out and noticed Billy at the bar nursing the same drink for far too long. Billy left the bar and went to his car so he could use his camera to get a few shots of the man and his girlfriend as they left together.

      Uncle Billy was new to this detective business and was parked too close to the husband's car. The husband saw the huge telephoto lens and saw Billy behind it. He watched as Billy followed them to the hotel. Once inside, the husband made a phone call to some gentlemen whom he employed for just this circumstance. Those same men drove over to the hotel and stealthily came up behind Billy's car. Billy had by that time had a bit too much to drink out of his flasks. The men yanked open the car door and pulled Billy out of the car, throttled him badly, broke his new camera and removed the film package, leaving Billy lying in the street. Uncle Billy was lying there when a police car rolled up and stopped. They called an ambulance for Billy and went on about their business. The next morning a police detective went to Billy's room and asked him some questions, but Billy had no idea of who the men were, so the detective left empty-handed and uncle Billy was on his own. He had no evidence of the night before with his camera gone. He was soon off the case and the wife would not pay him for no results. Billy did learn from his experience and as soon as he was released from the hospital he went back to his office waiting for another case.

      A week later another woman came into his office with the same situation. He took the case and was sure he would score this time. Uncle Billy did do very well on his second case and gave the woman everything she needed to go to court and file for divorce with a big pile of cash against her husband's assets. Uncle Billy was there to give testimony and thought this was going to be a lead-pipe cinch. What he didn't count on was the wealthy man's lawyers and connections with the judge. After a week in the courtroom the judge threw out the case on a technicality and left uncle Billy with a small sum for his hours spent gathering his evidence. The woman gave him a check for his time spent, but then the check bounced because the husband had closed his wife's checking account.

      Well that was enough detective work for uncle Billy. He closed his door at the office and never went back. He did receive several calls after that, but he was not going to go through those experiences again and maybe walk away with nothing.


Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2026 and beyond.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Misadventures of Uncle Billy #2

      One time uncle Billy saw an ad for a small ultra-light flying machine. It looked like fun and Billy thought he might like to get a bird's eye view of the neighboring farms and get to see some cool wildlife. This was before he knew about Google satellite images.
      Billy cleared a nice long runway on the high, flat land of the farm and filled in any depressions on the runway. He then had his kit delivered and started putting it together. He quickly found out the nuts and bolts were all metric, so it was off to the hardware store for wrenches. Then the sail was damaged in shipment so it was back to the manufacturer for a new sail. By the time everything was put together, the runway had grown tall with fescue grass so he had to get out there with his mower. After mowing, Billy tried to start the engine on the ultra light, but it failed. The carburetor had gotten all gunked up with some kind of protective grease. Uncle Billy had farm chores to work, and that delayed him getting into his ultra light for its first flight. Another two weeks passed by as he caught up on the chores and was ready to fly, but by then the grassy runway needed cutting again.
      Finally the day came when it was time for his first flight. Billy was up bright and early on a warm sunny day in late summer. He did his pre-flight check and was ready to fire up the engine and roll down the runway on his way up into the skies above. Billy revved up the engine and taxied the ultra down to the end of the runway. It was finally time to see what that plane could do. Full power and off he went over the still bumpy runway and lifted off just enough to clear the back barbed wire fence. He was finally airborne! The warm air rushed past his face and he was in heaven for the moment. Handling the controls was not as easy as he thought it would be. Billy was thinking he should have taken that course of instruction at the local airfield with an instructor in the two seat ultra light craft. After 20 minutes or more of flying, Billy had things worked out and was enjoying the ride. The countryside was gorgeous and flying high over the wooded areas he could see deer pacing through the area.
       It was so much fun Billy lost track of time as he circled above his farm and surrounding farms. Out of the blue, the engine began sputter. A quick turn and he headed for the farm. About 15 yards from the runway the engine ran out of gas and it was time to glide in for a landing. Unfortunately the sail above the ultra light did not have enough wind under the it for the necessary lift to keep him airborne. He hit the ground hard and instead of being on the runway, he was short and the ultra light rolled up and hit a post on the barbed wire fence, the craft flipped up vertically and while Billy was in his lap and shoulder harness when the ultra hit the fence, it ripped the sail to shreds and took some hide off uncle Billy. He was stuck in the harness, cut by the barbed wire and no one around to help him except the curious cows from the neighbor's pasture. Every movement caused the barbs to dig in and rip more skin off and start the bleeding. Billy had to gut out the pain and finally got the harness loose, but because he was nearly upside down, he hit the ground with his head, cut it open on a rock and ended up with even more torn clothing and open flesh. Billy crawled under the fence and walked back to the house and when his wife saw him she was horror stricken! He got cleaned up and headed for the doctor's office for a tetanus shot. The doctor just looked at him, shook his head and said, "I don't even want to know what happened this time."
      Uncle Billy went back to the farm after the doctor's visit, loaded up the remains of the ultra light in his pickup and headed for the dumpster. He dismantled the plane, tossed the frame into the dumpster and was about to toss the small engine when he had a brilliant idea. Save the engine and build a go cart. That would work out well.

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Misadventures of Uncle Billy #1

First snow.

      Uncle Billy was usually a cautious driver in winter. He would load up the back of his pickup with logs so he had some traction during the bad weather. One time in late fall (long before first snowfall was due) he was working in the big city as many farmers do. He walked out the door after work only to find there had been a deep snow that fell during the day. He was very concerned about getting home because he had not yet loaded the truck with his usual 300 or so pounds of logs so he would not slide off those old country roads. Uncle Billy was dreading the drive home, thinking about that one really steep hill after he crossed the creek. The highway was narrow and the hill often sent many a 4-wheel drive vehicle off the road. Billy got to the first hill going down to the creek and stepped on the accelerator pedal to build up speed so he could make it up the upside of the hill with a light gas pedal. He was moving very well down and across the bridge and had the momentum to get up the next hill. The truck started to lose traction when he was about 90% up the hill. A little feathering of the gas corrected his track and he made it up and around the corner of the road. Uncle Billy was thinking all is well and thankful that he was going to make it home okay. No sooner had the thought left his mind, when the old truck went into a 360 degree spin out and slid down into a deep ditch beside the road. The front end was buried in the snow and some mud underneath the powdery mix. Billy threw the old truck into reverse and tried to back up, but it was not possible, so he turned the wheel to try and at least get sideways so he would have a chance to drive a ways down the ditch and hopefully pop up and out further down the line. The old truck would not straighten out so he was left in that ditch. He managed to get the door open and crawled up and out of the ditch onto the side of the road.
      Just as Billy was wondering what to do next, a very nice woman who had seen him around their small town saw him and slowed down her 4-wheel drive Dodge and stopped to give him a ride over to the town his farm was near to. Billy thanked her profusely and went to the gas station to round up the owner and tow truck driver. Billy and the driver got into the tow truck and headed back to the spot where the pickup was in the ditch. The tow truck easily pulled the light pickup up and out of the ditch and sent Billy on his way. Billy stopped at the local florist and bought a beautiful bouquet and then stopped at the woman's home, knocked on the door and handed the flowers to her. Billy then went to the gas station and paid his bill for the tow and headed home. Billy gripped the steering wheel and headed out to the farm, dreading the left turn onto the farm road and then the hard right and up another hill to the house. He made it home safely, but had to pry his fingers off the steering wheel. His grip had been so tight that his fingers had locked up. Now all that was left was to worry about his wife getting home from her job in the big city.
      They say that all's well that ends well and that is true. Every snow from then on was a nightmare for uncle Billy and still is today.
      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Misadventures of Uncle Billy #3

      One warm June day uncle Billy decided to trim off a long heavy tree branch that was getting close to his farm house. He started up his chain saw, made sure all was ready and started up his ladder to cut that long branch. The branch was over 18 feet long, so it was quite heavy. Uncle Billy was up on his ladder about 16 feet from the ground, the ladder was from ground level to branch at about a 30 degree angle when he started cutting. He knew enough to cut a small wedge below the limb so the final cut was nice and clean. The chainsaw blades were nice and sharp and the saw was ripping through quite well so uncle Billy was feeling good about the operation, that is until the branch snapped as the saw went through. What he didn't consider was the reaction of the part of the limb still attached to the tree. When the heavy limb was gone it took a couple hundred pounds off the part still attached to the tree. The part still on the tree whipped straight up and due to the angle of his ladder it flipped the ladder backwards. Uncle Billy could see the limb go up higher than his head as he rocked backwards about two feet away from the limb. He told me he thought the only thing that saved him and the ladder from going backwards to the ground was the danged heavy chainsaw doing a counterbalance for him and then he said it was lucky he didn't cut his fool leg off because his hand and trigger finger was holding on tight to that saw because if he dropped it he would have to get a new chain for his saw.
      Now you might think that uncle Billy learned a lesson after that experience and he did somewhat. The next time he had another big limb going out very near his barn. So he got out the ladder, climbed up to the limb and decided to cut less off that time so this one wouldn't flip the ladder back like before. He also decided to loop his left arm through the ladder and over the top of the branch in case the limb snapped back. He had the chainsaw running and used his right arm to hold the saw while he cut through the limb. The branch dropped and that allowed the remaining part to rise just enough to pinch and hold his left arm between the remaining limb and the rung on the ladder. There he was, one arm locked between the ladder and the tree branch and the other with the chainsaw in hand. It was quite a predicament. He hung there for a few minutes until his arm started to tingle from lack of circulation. He didn't want to drop the saw, but he didn't want his wife to come out and see him trapped up in a tree either. He finally determined that if he put his right arm over the end of the branch and used the weight of the saw and his body to push the end of the limb back down he could slip his arm out of the nasty trap he created. It was just barely enough to free his left arm with some bruises and some raw flesh from his armpit to his wrist. From then on uncle Billy did all his chainsawing from ground level.
      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Misadventures of Uncle Billy #4 181209

      One snowy Saturday uncle Billy and his family were going to a wedding. The roads were very bad, but it was time to go and go they went. They were approaching the main highway when a big 4-wheel drive truck was leaving the highway onto the farm road. The truck began to slide across the farm road toward the family station wagon. Uncle Billy tried to slow down and move over to give the big truck as much space on the narrow road as he could. Unfortunately the edge of the road dipped and uncle Billy slid right into the ditch. He knew if he stopped they would be stuck for a long time in the cold, so he stepped on the gas, rounded the corner where the ditch met the main highway and increased speed as he rocked the car left and right to build up momentum. His hope was with time and distance he could get high up enough on the right side of the ditch and then quickly turn left and pop out onto the main highway. He was doing fine when he noticed there was a tree growing up in the ditch just about 20 feet ahead of the car. It had to happen and happen right now! Uncle Billy popped up onto the highway and was headed in the right direction to get to the wedding. Billy's wife was impressed that he made it out of the ditch, especially because her side of the car was scraping the ground during the rocking motions. She asked him how he managed to have time to look to see if there was traffic coming at them. Uncle Billy looked at her and said, "I didn't have time to look, just had hope there wouldn't be anyone coming in the bad weather."
      Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Misadventures of Uncle Billy #5 190110

      Uncle Billy has been plagued by roof leaks all of his life. He has always lived in old houses and rarely had good luck with fixing them.

      The picture above is from decades ago and yes there is a story with it. Uncle Billy was living in the Lake of the Ozarks area. He bought an old place very inexpensively and found out the people he bought it from lied to him about any roof leaks. He decided to tear the entire roof off in late summer and replace everything. While the roof was off a rare late summer storm came up. The hardwood floor in the living room had so much rain come in that by morning the wood warped so much it broke away and looked like there was a forest of saplings sprouting up as high as 3 feet. Uncle Billy's wife cried herself to sleep that night as they slept under a shower curtain in the bedroom. The hardwood floors were repaired in a couple of days and work went on for the roof.
      Uncle Billy made a big mistake when he calculated the size of the lumber he needed to replace the old peaked roof. It was 6 feet shorter than what he needed for roof rafters, so he decided to make a roof that was one long sloping roof instead of a peaked roof. He got the roof done and a month later during another big storm the roof started leaking again. He went out in the rain and climbed up to and into the small attic (only accessible from the outside). He found out the leak was not only from the original peaked roof, but through the vertical west side of the the house. It had never been caulked. Once he knew what it was, he caulked it and the roof problem was finally fixed.
      Uncle Billy never seems to get things right the first time.
Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Uncle Billy's Copper Fit Adventure 190107

      There is a TV commercial that has been running for a while now. I see it sometimes every day. That got me to thinking about what uncle Billy might do.

      I called Uncle Billy, (whom I have written about 4 times now). I was wondering if Uncle Billy was watching those commercials and seeing the back brace, arm brace, wrist brace, glove, and knee brace would give him the idea that with all those metal infused braces he would be a super-man if he wore all of them? I found out he did buy all of them and then he hit the streets to enact some justice on two local thugs. Uncle Billy got his butt kicked. He ended up in the emergency room, but is now recovering. Uncle Billy is not the brightest bulb in the closet as you well know by now.

      In case you missed uncle Billy's misadventures this link will round them up for you.

Copyright Bill Weber 2018 and beyond.