Thursday, October 17, 2024

241017 Life Alone

It’s strange living alone.

We think that our government doesn’t know much about us ordinary citizens, but they know everything about us from our correspondence, our spending and how we live our life.

I had been an airborne radar operator, I had worked and repaired every piece of naval aviation electronic equipment they had during the Vietnam war. During my last year of naval service I had worked repairing navy electronics at North Island and I also repaired equipment for the U.S. border patrol. I was offered a job repairing equipment for the border patrol but I turned them down.

Fast forward, after Joyce died, the government knew where I lived, I had little family left and that I lived alone. I was well trained; I had a high level security clearance in the navy, had no debt, no connection with any anti-government groups and no drug use.

One day a recruiter came knocking at my door, flashed a badge and strolled in to talk with me. The compensation he offered was excellent. Then he explained what the job entailed and that it was working for an agency that can and does mess with people's lives.

I declined the offer. He was not at all happy with me. I’m writing this so you readers know that if I no longer send out my posts, it will mean that I am no longer able to do so, either from extreme sickness or death. To my family, if I suddenly disappear don’t bother to look for me; they will have either eliminated me or will have me in a place you will never find.

Epilogue below

This post is true up to a point before going into a fantasy. Everything I wrote about my navy service is all true. When you get to the point where a new paragraph starts with "Fast forward after Joyce died" all of the following is sheer fantasy that I thought was amusing. It sounded like something that would be an exciting life, but I'm shure those 3 letter agencies would never recruit a man of my age.



  1. I'm glad you explained in detail!

  2. I'm really glad you are still with us. I will study your posts in detail to be sure you are actually writing them.
