Tuesday, October 15, 2024

241015 Fall

Today was the first day that felt like fall.

The fall winds blow
Wild flower seeds are lifted into the air
Where they end up no one can know

Every year brings the same event
Winds still blow
Come spring we we know
Where those flower seeds went

Generations come and go
Children are born every day
Old folks continue to pass away
Only one thing is certain, the flowers still grow


  1. I woke up this morning with my shoulder hurting. I went to get out of bed and my knees were like I don't want to bend. Both knees were hurting. As we both know growing old is not easy.

    1. Amen to that. When I get up in the morning it takes me at least an hour or more to work out the kinks and feel like a human being, abet an old human.

  2. Fall is my favorite season. I'm glad we moved to North Carolina where when fall comes you know it. Chuck

    1. Chuck, Living in Missouri, one can definitely see the effects of fall. Usually the bright colors of red, yellow and orange are my favorite thing to experience. Fall was always my and Joyce's favorite time of the year.

  3. I am happy to see fall arrive, I love the change of seasons. I love the oceans and the mountains but I always want to return to Missouri where we have a true 4 seasons. I am fearful this will be lost to climate change in the future.
