Friday, September 27, 2024

250927 Heading South For Warmer Weather

This is the last entry in my story.
I drove south looking the perfect spot to stop until I found it.

I got out of the truck and walked the warm sands of the beach to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. I parked myself in a folding chair, beer cooler by my side. I thought,this is where I’ll stay.

Sitting on the beach
Toes in the sand
happy to have been born in this land

The sky is blue, the beach is warm
I’ve had a wonderful life
With a wonderful wife

What happens next
I really don’t care
I can live anywhere

Years have gone by
I’m an old man
Doing the best that I can

I take life day by day
If life ends tomorrow
I’ll leave with no sorrow


  1. Perfect end to a great journey!

    1. Thank you Kathy, I'm never sure when I post something if people will like it or not. I've been writing since I was 16, long before anyone dreamed about the internet. It was all written down on paper. When I was aboard the ship I wrote Joyce a letter every day and wrote something to my grandfather or to my mother and father. I like writing poems, but they are not well received for some reason. That has never made sense to me. People like songs and most songs are poetry set to music.

  2. Replies
    1. Sharon, sorry for this very late reply. I don't always check back to answer replies after I move on to other posts. COmment s are always well received.
