Saturday, September 28, 2024

240928 Things That Amaze Me

These are some of the things that amaze me.

The quiet of the predawn hours. It is a good time to meditate and pray because there are no outside noises or other distractions. In the summertime I can sit outside in the cool of a morning and prepare for the new day. Oftentimes I’ll get an inspiration to write something or to accomplish something I want to do that day.

Trees, there are hundreds of different species and they are all beautiful to me. Oak trees are my favorite. They are so strong and majestic in their size. Their leaves vary in shapes depending on what type of oak they are. They can live as long as 150 years. All of that strength begins with a small acorn.

Atoms, everything in our world is made up of tiny atoms, including we humans. Atoms come together to make us, to make trees, to make metals that make every material thing in our lives. A scientist could spend his or her lives studying atoms. All the while, I just know they exist and I like the result of what they create.

Sky Scrapers, how they have changed our society. They enable us to add buildings that can house businesses and living spaces that would otherwise consume massive plots of land. The elites of our society distinguish themselves by living in skyscrapers, while regular folks live in houses or apartments. I don’t envy the elites; I’ve lived a good life, one I wouldn’t trade for the skyscraper life.

Submarines, I wonder how many men died during the first attempts at building a viable submarine? Somehow I’ve always thought that being a submariner would be a glamorous life. I got claustrophobic on the Disneyland submarine ride, so I doubt I could handle a real submarine. The WW-2 submarines had brave crews that lived through being attacked by depth charges. That must have been nothing short of sheer terror! The US lost 52 subs and all their crews during WW-2. The old subs ran on diesel engines when on the surface and ran off of lead acid batteries when submerged. Those batteries give off gasses that ruined sailors' uniforms and often wracked their livers from ingesting those gasses. Now the current submarine fleet is a miracle of construction and design. They're still compact in space and deployments are roughly 6 months long and they rarely ever surface. All that time deep under the oceans of the world. I don’t think I could handle that, but I’m pleased that other sailors choose to make their careers in the depths around the world. I salute the officers and men that keep our nation safe.

UFOs, they do exist and they are here. There are hundreds of thousands of sightings every year in the USA. Their various flying machines are far superior to anything we could send up to do battle with them. The navy confronts them every day at sea. The UFO crews abduct people up to their ships over our land and other lands around the world. They usually return those they take after they examine and probe them. Why they do that, I have no idea. I wonder why they haven’t landed on the Whitehouse lawn and spoken with our government officials. The UFO fleets have the ability to destroy us and yet they haven’t done so yet. So what will happen is anyone’s guess. I know the upper command of the military services are perplexed because they can’t do anything to remove the UFOs from our airspaces, they can’t confront them as they desperately want to do. Time will tell.

One last thing that boggles my mind is Artificial Intelligence. How that came about, I'll never know. This will either be the biggest boon to society in years or it will lead to the end of mankind.


  1. UFOs never landing on the White House lawn is proof that they are in search of intelligent life.

    1. Ha,ha, this is the best reply to a post I have ever received. I am sitting at my desk and I can't stop laughing. Thanks for a good start to my day.

  2. Somehow I don't think AI will end well due mankind's selfishness and greed.

    1. Sharon, you are correct, it wouldn't end well but I don't think it will ever end. I saw a video a long time back. The video showed an AI controlled attack vehicle made for the US army running through its paces to destroy a target but instead of attacking the target it turned to attack the viewing stand. The offices dove off into the dust. The autonomos attacker would have killed them all but a soldier ran up to it, knocked it over and disabled its circuitry.
