Wednesday, October 2, 2024

241002 Things bother me.

My last post was about things that amaze me. This post is about things that annoy me.

There are far too many commercials on the internet, even commercials on streaming services I pay for so there would be no commercials.

Trash on the streets and in our parking complex. I don’t understand why people out driving feel the need to toss their trash out the window as they roll along on public streets and especially where they park their cars every day. Why can’t they empty their trash in their own abode? Perhaps they do and I haven’t been inside to see how they live.

Here’s a big one for me! People in this complex only take their dogs outside long enough so the dog can defecate on the grassy field behind the apartments or sometimes on the sidewalks and never clean up the excrement.

Internet suppression: these days providers limit all of the information available and guide a person where they choose.

Lastly and this is the big one, UFOs! Our leaders and those in 3 letter agencies hide information about UFOs. The fact is that UFOs are here and the evidence is everywhere in the skies around the world. They don’t want to admit that they can do nothing about UFOs. Out in the Nevada test range, better known these days as area 51; there are a multitude of secret things happening. Those in charge denied there was such a place as area 51 for decades. Now they admit there is an area 51, but they will not tell what goes on there. The only things we know have come from people who worked there in the past. We know that area 51 has alien spaceships in hidden hangers of area 51. The workers there have figured out how they operate. A few years back, the US navy filed a patent for their own UFO. A person or an agency cannot get a patent unless they submit a working model of what they want a patent on. Guess what, the navy does have their own UFO. It is called the TR3b, a triangular UFO that can be seen at night flying around area 51 and around our country and over other countries. While our agencies will deny it, observers have seen it in the air leaving area 51 for who knows where? All of this information is available if one chooses to look for it. That’s all folks.

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