Thursday, September 12, 2024

240912 A Lifetime of Memories

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As I look back on my life, there have been ups and downs, like every life. My memory may not be totally accurate.

I remember my time in the navy as a major part of my life, when in reality, 10 years and 8 months of service out of 79 years of life is less than 8% of my lifetime. I’ve written more than 60 stories about my time in the navy. That one subject may be a greater number than any other subject I have written about.

I have far more memories in my head than naval memories, but it is not as easy to remember them when I want to. There is one exception to this. Give me enough beer in me and an audience and I can drone on for hours about everything I have experienced from the time I was 5 years old. That’s the only time I can remember every experience of my life.

Below is a poem I wrote in 2011.

The Sea Bag

I remember the day
When I was a sailor, far away
All my possessions fit in my sea bag
Leaving little to boast about or brag

The commute to work and meals
Required little time and no wheels
I’d climb up a ladder and over a deck or two
And soon my daily commute was through

A little liberty, a cold beer to drink
Nary a lot about which to think
Then back again, out at sea
Salty air, fresh as air can be

But on the sea and far from home
This sailor found himself all alone
Those memories from a log ago and younger day
Make me happy I am home from the sea to stay