Tuesday, September 10, 2024

240910 Horror!

Yesterday I survived an 11 hour reign of terror!

At 8:am my internet stopped working. It put me into a dizzy state of horror! What was I to do? My life revolves around the internet. Without the internet, I cannot write, or send my posts. I have nothing to watch on TV.

I rarely sleep much at night. If I get 4 hours of rest at night, it’s a good night for me. Even if I get a full 4 hours, that means I have 20 hours to fill every day. Meditation takes up less than 5 minutes, a trip to the grocery or the beer store is less than an hour. My half mile walks are less than 30 minutes. Meals only require about 20 minutes. So that leaves 18 hours to watch TV.

I went outside to take my half mile walk. I did my yoga and my Tai Chi; and walked aimlessly around my apartment, all in silence. I sat and wondered what I could do to fill out the day. I was stumped. Finally I remembered my 30 year old Radio Shack radio and dialed up NPR. A few hours of listening to NPR is brutal.

My internet came back 7 hours later. That was the longest 7 hours of my life. Finally, with my internet I was happy again. I realized I am an internet junky. Living alone, I have no one to talk to, no one to share my life with. I’m dependent on the internet to fill my day. I thought I was going crazy sitting in my room with nothing to do and no one to talk to. No car to go somewhere. I’m lost without my internet. It’s sad that one’s life revolves around a single technological service, but that’s what I have these days.


  1. How about reading. The library is free.

    1. The library is almost a mile away and I don't have a car anymore. My close vision is very poor. I have books and my bible here, but can't read them anymore.
