Thursday, August 22, 2024

240822 Reality

There is a reality and we believe we are in it. There are others who claim we are living in a simulation.

A simulation is where we are actually living in a massive computer game controlled by someone else. It’s similar to us playing a video game on our computer. We control our moves to shoot gad guys, or build homes and create cities in Minecraft or Sim City a while back.

In the simulation, we may experience what we call Dejavu, but what causes that is the simulation: the computer has a hiccup and quickly reboots the system.

This is not really a new idea. The concept goes way back to the fifties and a tv show titled “The Twilight Zone” Written by Rod Stieger. One of the episodes shows a town and its people doing their daily routine and suddenly everything stops. People are stuck in their tracks, nothing or no one moves. The camera pans away and we hear a mother call her child to come to dinner. The young girl puts down her control device and walks away.

Are we in reality or a simulation? I pick reality.

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