Tuesday, August 20, 2024

240820 Different day same ending

Routine fills my day.

I wake up every day, though darkness has not yet passed
I head to the kitchen for coffee and to break my fast

Grab a bowl, add cereal, milk, and fill to the rim
Eating light meals, keeps me slim

I thank my Lord for another day
Good or bad,it could go either way

For lunch it’s a salad with coffee too
That's the routine and I follow it through

At supper it’s potatoes and a sandwich for me
Following routine is the way it must be

Routine is the only thing that keeps my sanity
Since my Joyce passed away, routine is life for me

In the routine, there’s yoga, Tai Chi and walking every day.
They are important to me; they keep the blues at bay

In time remaining, there are other things I do
Watch movies and take a nap or two

I meditate and pray every day
That keeps the demons away

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