Saturday, August 24, 2024

240824 Purchases

I have noticed that when we pay a higher price for things that are supposed to be top products they aren't always better than the item that is lower priced.

For instance, here are a few things I have experienced: I have purchased very expensive coffee pots that were no better than cheaper ones and the cheaper ones lasted longer.

Electric toasters vary dramatically in prices. They can cost 5 to 6 times as much as a cheaper one. I have the least expensive Walmart toaster, it works well and has lasted 7 years now.

I buy inexpensive shirts and t-shirts and they last indefinitely and wear well. I have 2 pairs of shoes I bought at Walmart in 1995 and I wear them every day.

Warranties are something manufacturers always want to sell along with a purchase of electric or electronic equipment.
When microwave ovens first came out, I bought a new GE microwave that was $350, quite expensive back then, so I bought a 3 year warranty to protect myself. The warranty was close to $100 per year. I never had to use it. At the end of that time I bought a warranty extension for another year. That was followed the year after by yet another year. I continued in subsequent years, all the way until 19 years and never once had to use it. I ended up paying several times more for a warranty that I paid for the microwave.
My experience has shown that warranties are usually designed to last as long as the product manufacturer figures the product will last and no more.
My extensive experience buying desktop computers or laptops has shown me that most failures occur in the first week or two of use. If they make it through that period of time they’ll work for years longer without a problem. Should the device quit in the first 14 days, the seller will replace the item in most cases, so why buy a year to a three year warranty?
Many manufacturers require you to return the equipment packed in the same box you bought the product in. No one I know saves the boxes for even one year.
What I have written here has been my experience in purchasing products. There is no guarantee that will be your experience. If I gave you a guarantee, I would have to sell you a warranty for your protection.