Thursday, August 8, 2024

240808 The Once Mighty Dollar

A dollar isn’t what it used to be worth.

First, a dollar was originally a silver certificate. That meant you could go to the treasury and collect real silver for that paper dollar. That changed in the seventies, now it is only a piece of paper and a promise.

Here is what a dollar could buy back in 1962.
A pound of good coffee was 33 cents.
Gas for a car was 26 cents a gallon.
A milkshake was 20 cents.
Six ounce bottle of Coca-Cola was 5 cents
A 12 ounce was 10 cents.
A White Castle hamburger was 5 cents.
A comic book was 10 cents.
Ben Franklin stores were a five and dime store. Everything in the store cost either 5 or 10 cents and there were good products available.
A pack of cigarettes was 20 cents. I didn’t smoke, but my mom sent me to the corner store every day to get her a pack of Chesterfield cigarettes.

Later in early 1964, We bought our 14 karat gold rings at the navy exchange for $7 for her and $9 for mine (there were no tax or excise taxes on jewelry bought on base or aboard ship.) Aboard ship it was $1 a carton for any brand of cigarettes. Our first apartment was $40 a month. Later that year I paid $75 on Guam for a diamond ring for Joyce. After I came home we went to a jewelry store in the USA and had the ring appraised. It was worth $500 here.
In the sixties we both worked for a dollar an hour. And that took care of our rent, groceries and everything we needed.

It’s clear that the almighty dollar is no longer mighty or even close to it.


  1. Dollar now a days is like a penny used to be..

    1. Sadly that is true! Things are so much more complicated these days.

  2. I wish for the good ole days!
