Friday, August 9, 2024

240809 It Happened in the Parking Lot

I was leaving the parking lot from Aldi’s grocery when it happened.

I was walking toward home when I saw an elderly woman who got out of her car, took two steps and stopped. I was concerned when I approached her, thinking she was having a stroke, something was definitely wrong. I stopped beside her and asked if I could help her.

She handed me a quarter and asked if I would get her a shopping cart, because she needed a cart to keep herself stable going into the store. I took her hand and the quarter and said, “Why don’t we walk together to where the carts are parked, you’ll have to make the walk anyhow if I just get you a cart .”

I said, “ This is the first time I have held a woman’s hand since my wife died three years ago.” She replied, “My husband died two years ago.” I told her we were married for fifty eight years. She said, “We were married fifty six years.”

It was pleasant to walk with and talk with her. She replied, “You are one of the good ones from old school days.” I said, “Well I certainly am old.”

I’ll never see her again, but the memory will stay with me for a long time.
Giving a helpful hand to someone in need is good for them, but the reward is greater for the person who lends a hand to one in need.
Be nice to elderly people; after all, you will be there someday.