Wednesday, July 24, 2024

240724 An Old Cowboy

‘An Old Cowboy’

He’s a cowboy
He’s a miner
But he wasn’t a forty-niner

He was a sailor
He was a jailer
But he was never a failure

He’s an old hand now
His cowboy hat sits high on his brow
He was a friend back then as he is now

He lives on his mountain
He’s clean and free
He’s always been a friend to me

We’re back in touch since we got old
Our stories live again forever bold
They rise in greatness as they are retold

The sun moves onward to the west
The old times sometimes seem the best
Our friendship has passed its test

We’ve been down dusty roads in bad weather
We’ve been across the oceans together
History like that stands forever

Thanks for the good times Doug

Doug was my oldest friend, along with David since 1963 and Kevin since 1979. It’s been said that a man who dies with 3 good friends dies a rich man. I had those 3 good friends, but with Doug gone, I’m down to just 2, so I’m adding Barry and James to make 4 good friends as my safety net in case 1 of the others happens to die before me, I’ll still die with at least 3 good friends. If I die before one of them does, then I die a rich man.


  1. That was enlightening and great. Now you will always have friends!

    1. A good friend is a friend indeed. We may have a lot of friends, but not many that are good friends. I've lost many good friends from my navy time. We were a tight knit crew. After the navy I had more friends, but few were really good friends. Life goes on and at my age I've lost contact with people I call friends. I'm sure many if not most have left this earthly plane. That's one of the sad things about old age, Many elderly friends pass away

  2. Yes you are a rich man, and a blessed one.
