Monday, July 22, 2024

240722 Apartment Dogs

I’ve had a lot of dogs in the past.

My dogs were on the farm. They had free reign to roam wherever they cared to. They were not house dogs. We did not allow that. In the summer, they would sleep on the back deck. In the winter, I had a bed made from a packing crate that kept the bed 5 inches off the floor on the covered front porch. I lined the bed with cedar chips to give the dog something to burrow down in and help itself warm. The cedar chips also kept them from having fleas.

The dogs would bark when someone approached the house, but they did not attack anyone. The bark told me someone was approaching the house. When I was outside, the dogs followed me everywhere I went. That’s the way dogs should be in my estimation.

Now apartment dogs in this complex, while they may be the same breeds as my farm dogs, all of them act totally different when living in apartments. I see them with their owners out to allow the dogs to relieve themselves while tethered on the owner’s leash. When they are outside and see me walking, they strain at the leash, barking and trying to attack me.

I do not know why the dogs, except for the dogs upstairs from me and the ones next door (they like me) all the others want to attack me. I’ve been lucky so far that the owners have been able to restrain their dogs, if they couldn’t, they would surely be trying to bite me, forcing me to pop them with me shillelagh as many times as it took to discourage the dogs and get them to move away, if they could.

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