Sunday, July 7, 2024

240707 What have cell phones done to us?

Cell phones are a menace to our youth.

When someone puts a cell phone to their ear and speaks into it, that sends a small radio frequency to a cellular tower and that same radiation is sent into the sender’s ear. Cell phones have an omnidirectional antenna that sends and receives signals. Those who have earpieces placed into their ears are receiving those doses of radiation with every call they make. Over time that can become a problem. Even small doses of radiation going into one's brain can be harmful. Frying the brain with microwave energy is not a good thing to do.

Our youth can spend hours every day talking on their phones. Instead of becoming a part of the conversation at gatherings, visits with friends and family, they separate themselves from the moment and get lost on what’s happening where they are. My opinion is that it’s not a healthy thing to do. When their life becomes a phone they miss out on the life that’s all around them at the moment.

Where this goes in the future is a mystery to me and I won’t be around to see it in the few years I have left on this earth. Of course I could be wrong. I think I was once before or perhaps many times before.

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