Tuesday, July 9, 2024

240702 The Grandfather of AI

This picture below is Geoffrey Hinton.
I have posted my concern about AI before.

Yesterday evening I watched a 2023 60 Minutes show about Geoffrey Hinton. He is recognised as the grandfather of AI. He was leaving google after 10 years to warn about the harmful potential of artificial intelligence (AI). He is concerned about the potential harm AI can cause. He is not sure that AI will remain a bounty for humanity. He fears that with the intelligence he created the foundation for could turn against humanity and destroy it. As AI becomes more human-like it may decide mankind is no longer of use and destroy us. AI is becoming more like a human and like a human there are prejudices and hatred that could lead to the destruction of humans. AI is also taking over clerical and programming jobs and will even take over grocery and department store jobs with robots, putting millions of people out of work.

Try to make a house or a rental payment without a job. If Hinton believes it may or will happen, who am I or you to dispute that?


  1. How do you put the monster back in the cage?

    1. Well there is a simple answer for your question. The answer is you can't. Thank you for your insightful comment.

  2. Yes I saw that interview and he was very articulate and convincing in regard to his concerns.

    1. Sharon, I am worried about those possible concerns about what AI may bring us or rather do to us. I am more concerned for my daughter and granddaughter may soon face. AI can put faces together with false statements that the person never said. That can mislead the public in harmful ways. AI could begin to cause all kinds of havoc and tear this country to pieces. I may not live to see this happen, but my daughter and granddaughter very likely will.
