Friday, July 5, 2024

240705 Nightmare on my street.

Last night on the 4th of July.

I fell asleep at 8:30 pm. At 9:00 pm the cannons started firing and went on until 12:30 am. I looked out my bedroom window and saw the cannons were on a direct line 300 feet away from my bedroom window. The cannons finally quit, but I was awake until 3:00 am before I got to sleep.

I slept from 3:00 until 4:30. During that time, I had a dreadful nightmare. The locking mechanism on my front door had broken apart and I was trying to cobble it back together but had no luck in doing so. I went to find Joyce and ask her where she had put my phone. She said she would look for it. She told me she was cleaning up because she was expecting some important company and asked me to clean up our hallway so the company didn’t see a messy entranceway. I went to do so and found the hallway was a total mess with trash all over the place. I tried to at least clear a path but there was so much trash I couldn’t get the entire hallway clear.

I turned to go back into the apartment and saw the entire apartment had been gutted of all furniture and fixtures. A crew had stripped everything back to the bare walls so they could refurbish the apartment.

I found Joyce in my bedroom closet. She was trying to arrange the only remaining untouched space in the apartment. I asked her for my phone so I could call the maintenance guy so he could fix the door locks. Joyce reached up on a shelf and handed me a brand new phone. I told her I need my phone. She told me she had given my phone away to someone. I lost my temper and shouted that I needed my phone because all of my contacts and financial information was on the phone and available to whomever she gave the phone to.

That was when I woke up from the nightmare. In reality, I don’t keep anything but phone numbers on my phone and certainly not any banking information. Overnight I only had 2 hours of sleep. It’s going to be a long day.

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