Thursday, July 11, 2024

140711 They never stop

I had a dream (nightmare) last night.

I joined the Marine Corps. That’s a nightmare in itself, but the real nightmare came in my dream. I was in recruit training. A junior officer was speaking and he began to harass me in particular. I said to him, “don’t be such an ass.” He did not like that at all. He told the other recruits to take me down. They ripped my uniform apart leaving me in just my skivvies as they began to attack me, one after another.

I had practiced karate in the early eighties (not a dream, I actually did karate for several years. I still remember almost all of the moves.)

I was fending off my attackers well, until this really large recruit came at me. I let him get close enough so I could finish him off with a huge roundhouse kick to his head. I did that kick in my dream and what I actually did was kick the wall near my bed, jamming my big toe against the wall.

I had done the same thing fighting some bad guys a week before, damaging my same toe against the same wall. It was just starting to feel better until last night. If this keeps up my toe will never heal.

Will my nightmares ever end?


  1. DAD...FIRST THING...MOVE YOUR DAMN BED AWAY FROM THE WALL...AND SEC.THING...LET'S GET YOU A HOBBY, we can go to the library together, I would love that, anything anywhere just back off on the war docs on roku before bedtime. I love you...annie

    1. First thing, If I move my bed away from the wall, then I can fall of the bed on two sides instead of one. I have a hobby, and that is writing that I spend a lot of time on. My eyes don't allow me to do much reading and any time I would go to the library I have to return any books I would read. That would mean you had to take me to the library twice a week. I watch my war documentaries in the morning and watch romance and comedy movies the rest of the day and evenings. I love you too,

  2. Bless her heart she was kicking ass. Lol

    1. I am proud of her. She wants to care for me and direct me through my life. I'm not ready for that as long as I can still take care of myself while living alone. Joyce and I took care of her mother and while we loved her, it was a difficult task. A task that can be overwhelming after a while and all consuming of your life. I don't want my daughter to have to live through that.
