Friday, June 21, 2024

240621 A few notes on progress.

When I wrote the angel story, I was not sure if I should write it or if anyone would read it. I have written a few posts that only one or two people read. It is disturbing when that happens. I put effort into what I write and if no one reads the posts, then there is no point writing them.

To my surprise a lot of people read it and I received more comments than ever before! That made me very happy.

I bought my first computer in 1998. In 2000, I bought a book on how to create a web page and how to write computer coding so I could post my pages online. I rented space on a private server and began to send out my posts.

In 2006 I began using google for my blogs. From 2006 until today I have sent 2,571 posts on my google blog.

There was no way to count how many posts I sent from 2000 to 2006, but I’m pretty sure I wrote at least 500 posts in 5 years, that would surpass my goal of sending 3,000 posts before retiring from writing online.

Now that I have achieved my initial goal, I could quit writing and sending posts, but I think I’ll continue because while I’m not as prolific as I once was, I still have a few thoughts to write and share.


  1. Anonymous I enjoy reading your blogs. i’m about your age and I can relate to so many of your stories.

    1. Thank you, we likely have had similar experiences since we shared roughly the same time frame. I often wonder if what I remember as the good old days were as I remember them. As I age, my memories aren't exactly as I thought they were.

  2. Pleeeeze don't ... enjoy reading your perspective on life ...

    1. I'll continue as long as I can do so. I did think I might quit writing once I reached my goal, but I still enjoy creating posts that I feel are as good or better than ever before. I write down ideas that pop up during my day for potential posts. If I don't stop and jot them down I forget them.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for your encouragement. Getting replies to posts makes me want to continue writing. Without readers, there is no incentive to create posts. I would simply write things in a journal I keep and wonder if anyone will ever see it?

  4. Please continue, I really appreciate them, it's like getting a cookie every day.

    1. Oh Sharon, that's so sweet. I don't eat cookies these days, but when I did, chocolate chip cookies were my favorite. Joyce liked baking cookies and I liked eating them the second they cooled enough to gobble them down. As I think about it, there weren't any cookies I didn't like.

  5. Thanks Kathy, I enjoy writing things that readers enjoy.
