Tuesday, June 18, 2024

240617 AI

AI is here to stay. It will never go away. This piece is what is available to read about or see in videos. You may believe it or not. It’s up to you to determine if it’s truth or fiction. AI comes as a boon to humanity, but it may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a potential “Little Red Riding Hood for AI.”

AI has some good points, it has increased the speed and availability of information exponentially. It can find information on everything in the world. That is as Martha Stewart used to say, "A good thing!”

Now this may be the dark side of this new marvel. AI tracks its users and gathers all the information on them. It knows more about people than anyone can imagine. AI has facial recognition that may track everything we do and where we go 24/7.

AI may eliminate jobs in the workforce. Think about making a house payment or buying groceries without a job. Manufacturers may love this; they can fire people and replace people with robots that can work around the clock faster than a human, never make any mistakes and they don’t have to pay salaries and benefits. All of this may happen.

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