Sunday, June 23, 2024

240623 Scary News

I hope what I’m writing about never happens, but it very well could. Fasten your seat belts this could be a bumpy ride.

This has been going on for a long time. It’s old news, but it’s new to me and likely new to you. The Chinese and the Russians have been infiltrating our electric grid system. They have been probing into our grid system for more than 3 years now. The US cyber security group has known about this for 2 years. There was a paper sent to congress outlining the subject and what could happen if the Russians or the Chinese shut down our US electric grid.

There are 2 main grids, 1 on the west coast and 1 on the east coast. There are something like 6 major substations run by our government and inbetween the rest of the country, there are hundreds of minor substations run by private owners. All are part of the whole electric system. The only independent system is in the state of Texas. They are completely off the rest of the electric grid system. There are connections to the US grid available, but they are not used.

The US cyber command did a study and discovered that out of the grand US system, the infiltrators only have to knock out 9 sub systems to collapse the entire US electric grid. The cyber command sent this news to congress in a secret written report. Somehow that report found its way to become public knowledge. Now the bad actors know exactly where to strike whenever they care to do so. Will they attack our electric grid? The better question is when will they attack?

Think for a moment what will happen should the grid system shut down. There will be no air conditioning, no heating system, no lighting, no water for toilets, no way to buy groceries or heaven forbid beer! Even worse, no internet! No one knows how long the US grid system will take to get power back online. I have enough canned goods to feed myself for a month or more and I have a manual can opener, so I will be okay unless everything was shut down in the dead of winter, then I’d likely freeze to death.

This may never happen and I hope it doesn’t. The US cyber command says that it has the ability to shut down the grids owned by the bad actors, but that doesn’t help we the people until our grid is up and running again.


  1. I think think things will get worse as we move toward more AI control. As we become dependent on AI, humans will forget how to help themselves and we will be vulnerable to other countries a great deal more.

    1. Sharon, maybe it's just me, but it seems AI kind of sneaked in the back door and hit me on the head. I am enjoying what AI that I am using, but I share your concern. AI will make us less able to cope with things that will happen all around us. As for other countries, AI may have the same effect on them as we will in the future. I do think AI will eventually begin to wonder what use we humans are to their work and well being. At that point AI may decide to eliminate humanity.
