Thursday, February 8, 2024

240208 YouTube and Google

Google created what is in my opinion the best search engine available .

There was at one time a large number of search engines in the internet’s infancy. I used several of them and they were good, but then Microsoft began picking them off one by one. Yahoo was at one time the top search engine and it is still good today and many people still use it. Then Google came up with its search engine and took over the top spot. Youtube is the second largest search engine. Google and Youtube were in competition for the first year Youtube opened and then Google bought Youtube for an astounding $1.6 billion in 2006. Microsoft could have bought Yahoo in the nineties, but the two could not come to an agreement. That was a big mistake for Microsoft, because Microsoft has in my opinion never had a good search engine. Microsoft sells probably more computers than any other company in the world, but surprisingly Microsoft owners at almost 90% download Google web browsers for their search and general usage.

I use Youtube every day for watching videos or movies and documentaries. It’s a great all around channel to use and I use it when I get up in the morning and when I get ready for bed and frequently during the day. Youtube has things to watch that no other service has. I do have one caveat, because there are so many people posting things on their Youtube channel that are contradictory with others on the same subject. That leaves me in a quandary, I can’t be sure what to believe or believe at all.

One last thing, Youtube Tv is the very best streaming service in existence. I used it for a while and enjoyed it immensely, but the service is too expensive for me to handle these days. There are other services that are close to the same price level, but they do not have all that Youtube Tv has to offer. Again, this is my opinion.

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