Thursday, January 4, 2024

240104 The Win, Win

What I have accomplished in my lifetime is insignificant compared to some great men and women. That is a fact, one that is undoubtedly true. The world has great men and women all over this planet. They are few compared to the multitude of those living around the earth. Not all leaders are good, not all are bad.

I like to measure my life by what I have done for others. In the past I have helped most of my family members at one time or another and helped Joyce’s mother by bringing her into our home and caring for her. I offered to take in my mother after my father died and she was needing help. She declined.

Now the only way I can help working people is by buying at the Walmart store nearby, the Aldi store nearby and the beer store nearby. The beer store is where I get the most pleasure helping them. The beer I get there also helps those who make the beer that I enjoy so much. This may seem simplistic but it works for me and for them.

I also enjoy giving flowers to ladies. On the third day before Christmas I brought a bouquet to the ladies at the beer store. They have helped me in the past. They were thrilled and I enjoyed doing it. That’s what is called a win, win deal.

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