Tuesday, January 2, 2024

240102 Change is in the wind

My first post of the new year, although it seems somewhat the same as the year before, but maybe there will be some changes made. One thing I can't change is my face. It's the only one I'll ever have.

I’ve had a few busy days.

I’ve spent over 30 hours taking all the stuff from a packed 168 square foot bedroom, and 48 square foot closet into a 97 square foot bedroom and a 14 square foot closet. Suffice to say that it was not an easy task. I am aching all over. The task took a lot of judicious thinking and a lot of moving things around several times to get everything to fit properly. Some things that I hadn't used in a long time were discarded.

It was something to keep me moving and accomplish a seemingly impossible task. When I am busy, I am happy. It’s also part of my minimalism project. One of the minimalist suggestions I like is the 2020 rule, if I can replace something that costs less than $20 and I can replace it in less than 20 minutes, toss it. Why keep something not used in more than 2 years? I pared down a duffel bag of kitchen utensils that Joyce had in doubles and triplets. I got rid of a huge set of dishes Joyce had bought decades ago. They were heavy ceramic dishes she bought at J.C. Pennies that were high priced and heavy. Her thinking was that the brand was very good. Well the dishes were anything but good. The plates and saucers and cups were not even a uniform size, making it difficult to stack them in a cabinet. I never liked them to begin with. Trying to stack heavy plates above my head in a cabinet and get them to stay stacked was a nightmare I dealt with over the decades. I replaced them with light weight plastic dishes and bowls and they are a good product. I didn’t get a large amount of them, because I don't need that much living alone. When or if there would be a big gathering of family, we would use paper plates to cut down washing a stack of dishes and cleanup is much less time consuming.

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