Tuesday, December 5, 2023

231205 Interesting Discovery

Health for Seniors

I watch a lot of Youtube videos on healthy foods to eat and on exercising for seniors. Some are worthwhile, some are not. One such video stated that seniors should walk 5200 steps per day. That seemed like a lot of walking, so I went to the fitness center and counted my steps as I walked a half mile on the indoor track. That came to 1200 steps. I would have to walk around the track 14 times to get to 5200 steps. The longest I have ever walked there was one mile and it was exhausting. By the way, one mile on the treadmill only burned 59 calories. One Coca-Cola consumed is 150 calories, so You would have to walk two and a half miles to burn off 150 calories! Exercise is not the way to lose weight, by the way, exercise builds muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. Heavy exercise can put on weight. Moderate exercise is healthy.

The conclusion is eat less food and stay away from sweets. Sugar consumed is turned into fat immediately in your body. We all love the taste of sugar, but sugar does not love us. Stay away from diet drinks. Medical studies have shown that diet drinks actually make you hungry and you consume more food and they also lead to things like weight gain, increased craving for sweets, diabetes, brain fog and cardiovascular disease.

Be good to yourself and aviod diet drinks.

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