Monday, December 4, 2023

231204 Three Thousand

My goal for many years was to reach three thousand posts.

I now have 2509 on My Google blog. I had several hundred on my private website as far back as the year 2000. When I transferred those from my previous web site to Google in 2006, over 2 years of my posts did not make the transition well enough to keep them on my Google posts, so I deleted them. All told I am over my goal of three thousand. I am pleased with that accomplishment.

With that said, I know I am slowing down. I started sending letters to my contacts back in 1987, actual handwritten letters. During my navy time overseas from 1963 to 1974 I sent handwritten letters to my wife, my parents , her parents, and my grandfather.

My point with all of this back story included is that with countless numbers of things I have already written and sent, I think my well of writing has gone dry. If I have written about everything, everywhere, every place for 58 years now, can there be something else?

I’m not swearing off writing altogether. If by chance, I have something new to share, I will. Unless inspiration comes to me out of the blue, I’ll likely be writing fewer posts in the future. I could become enlightened and start all over again, only time will tell.

As I was proofreading this post, I looked at the new picture included with this post and I realized something. All of my life until now I looked like my father. I even became him in looks and in temperament. Looking at this picture, I saw my grandpa looking back at me. Before I lost all my weight I had a more rounded face like dad had, but now with a thin, more gaunt face and the whiskers, I look like my grandpa when he had the whiskers at times. The large skin tag above my eye is in the same spot grandpa had one.

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