Monday, October 23, 2023

231023 Secrets and Lies

It's difficult to keep a secret, but easy to tell a lie.

Secrets, I have a few, secrets I would love to share, but then they would no longer be a secret. It pains me to hold onto things I want to tell, but at this point only God and I know. Telling what I know would damage another person’s character and I will not do that no matter how badly I want to do it.

Back in my navy days, there was an ensign in our air crew. He seemed to be a decent man and I thought highly of him. We were deployed to the Philippines and flying out to the gulf of Tonkin providing overnight radar watches for the seventh fleet off the coast of Vietnam. The ensign was flying with us on our missions, until one night, he was gone. None of the enlisted crew knew what happened and the other officers, if they knew, they weren’t sharing the information. He could have been investigating someone on the crew or he could have been a spy that was caught. I’ve often wondered what the truth was, but I’ll never know. That secret is not known and never will be shared with me.

Lies, I despise lies. I’ve been a victim of lies at times, lies are painful and are hurtful. Once they are spread about, lies become truth to those who hear them. I will not lie to anyone if they ask me a question and I will not spread a lie about anyone, that goes against all I believe. I’m pretty good at recognizing when someone is lying to me. I don’t confront them when I know they are lying to me, but I lose faith in them. From that point on, I take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

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