Saturday, October 21, 2023

231021 Memories

A wise old woman once told me. “Make memories while you’re young, you’re going to need them.”

That admonition has become true for me. My memories are the glue that holds me together at this point in my life. Without those memories, I’d fall apart. I feel as though I’ve had a wonderful life with all the fun, excitement and even the danger I’ve had.

All that is now behind me. My life is mundane at this point. I’m regimented, too old to fall in love again. Instead of living an exciting lifestyle, I find things to do, unnecessary things, just to pass the enormous amount of time I have. I’ve gone a few places, tried new things, but nothing seems exhilarating anymore. Friends move on, family drifts apart or passes on.

I thank God for those memories that hold me together now. I remember when my family was young and lived close together. There were big celebrations, big get-togethers and a house filled with love and laughter. I was a child and while there were a few rifts, I was too young to know much about them. I took things in stride and didn’t analyze or over think whatever happened. I still have a life to live and that’s a good thing.

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