Tuesday, October 24, 2023

231024 Far Away From Here

Long ago and far away, in a village by the sea there lived a family. The village where they lived was a dangerous place to live and those in the village cowered before those who would bring harm to them. The evil ones ran in packs so they could easily overpower a single person or a small family by themselves. One family decided they would seek out a Sensei, an enlightened one who would teach them the martial arts and use of the ancient weapons so they could protect themselves and other family members. The Sensei was a powerful man who used his powers for the good of others. He took the two family members under his wing and taught them the art of Karate and the use of the ancient weapons. Those included the Bo-hiya, the Surikin and the Sai. The old picture shown above is the two family members practicing the use of the Sai once they returned to their home village.

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