Wednesday, October 18, 2023

231018 Kitty Hawk

Wednesday October 18, 2023

Patrick arrived at my apartment yesterday at noon. I suggested we go to the B-29 cafe. I had told him about that place and I knew he wanted to go see it. We had a great time there! He was amazed at all the old uniforms and pictures on the walls. We saw one of the few remaining WW-2 veterans having lunch there. Patrick figured he had to be at least 95 years old. He was hunched over a bit, but he could still walk with a cane. The waitress singled him out and everyone there cheered for that old timer. Lest I forget, the wait staff there is wonderful and the food is superb! As a side note, Rhett (my son in law) had taken me there earlier this year and Patrick and I sat at the only empty table, the same one Rhett and I had before and the same server waited on us. She is also the manager there. She is a sweetheart and if I were 30 years younger, well you get the picture. That place was packed with veterans and their families. If I lived in Ozark, I would be a regular at the B-29 cafe. A man there stopped at our table as he was leaving; he saw my Kitty Hawk cap and started talking to me. He had served on the Hawk years after I did. He was an Electronics Tech while I was an Aviation Electronics Tech in the Kitty Hawk air wing. I have met several sailors who served on the Hawk and they all had fond memories of her.

Lest I get too sentimental, a good ship is like a good woman, you never forget her.

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