Sunday, October 15, 2023

231015 Life

No matter how old we get, there’s something new for us to learn.

Two days ago I was downloading a picture from my cell phone. After doing so, I happened to leave the phone plugged into a usb port on my laptop. The battery charge on my phone was low and I planned on recharging later after I posted the picture. That’s when I discovered that my phone charged faster when plugged into my laptop than when it was plugged into the wall socket. I can’t say this will work for everyone or even if your phone will have the ability to use the same procedure, but it worked well for me.

I’m sitting at my desk as I write this and I have some old songs playing. Listening to the slow melodies reminds me of dancing with Joyce. She was a far better dancer than I could ever hope to be. I remember being at the navy NCO (non commissioned officers) club and dancing with her. Everyone else there wanted to dance with her. The same thing happened at the Downstream casino in Oklahoma. People there noticed how good she was and they were lined up waiting to dance with her. That evening we were sitting at the bar having a drink. There was a young man next to me and I couldn’t help but notice that he had not one, but two gorgeous blonde women with him, one sitting on each leg. They both wanted to dance with him, but he wanted nothing to do with that. He had seen Joyce dancing and when his ladies went to the powder room, he immediately asked Joyce to dance with him. She accepted and they went onto the dance floor. Soon after, the floor opened and everyone was standing, watching the two of them dance. When the two blondes came back from the powder room and saw that, they were not happy at all. I miss her everyday and I thank God everyday for our time together. Had Joyce not been such a good woman, good mother and a wonderful lover, it would be easier to forget her, but she was and that makes it impossible to ever forget her.

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