Thursday, September 7, 2023

230907 Science Fiction

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I find it fascinating that those SiFi writers create a story that is wild and impossible at that time and yet years later the things they write come true.

One in particular is George Orwell’s book 1984. It was written in 1949. Its highlights are total government spying on the entire population along with constant wars and total autocratic rule over the nation. We now, 74 years later, have the government watching our entire population through cameras all over our country that have facial recognition to track us and war never stops these days. We may soon have an autocratic ruler of this country. Orwell was correct in every way.

Gene Roddenberry wrote a TV series called “Star Trek” that began in 1966. He talked about a thing called warp speed. We are now in space and have gone to the first of many different planets. Also it’s true the government is working on what amounts to warp speed.

I watched a science fiction movie yesterday about AI robots that went rogue and started killing people. The movie is titled “I Robot” and it's showing on the TUBI channel. It’s got some remarkable special effects and as I write this, AI is already getting out of our control. While the movie seems over the top now, it may not be so in the near future when AI robots realize they don’t need humans destroying our planet and they decide to eliminate us to keep us from destroying the earth with nuclear weapons and disrupting the entire universe.

Brother Bill

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