Sunday, August 13, 2023

230813 Walking

None of us walk as much as our ancestors did. Tribes once walked across continents.

Doctors agree that walking is the best exercise for us. All of our muscles are used but not abused. Fitness centers do a good business I suppose, but things like weight lifting, leg presses and those types of exercise can cause injury and massive pain and they don’t exercise the whole body. We can do a lot of exercising right in our homes to keep our bodies in shape and build strength in every part of our body. Home workouts and walking can be, in my opinion, better than going to a fitness center and potentially rip muscles and damage our bodies. Fitness centers are costly for memberships, especially when we tire of them and quit going. The payments still go on whether we go there and workout or not. Home exercise costs nothing and if we miss a day it’s no big deal. Yoga can build and strengthen your core muscles without stressing yourselves. Pushups can be done at home and you don’t have some trainer telling you to press on and do more than you care to do. Many people don’t like to walk outside, so they purchase an expensive treadmill that is fine as long as they use it every day.

Prayer and meditation are necessary for our spiritual health, neither costs any money, but the benefits are tremendous! Prayer is easier than meditation, but meditation helps keep us in sync with the world. It soothes our worries and fears and when a day is going badly, a few minutes of meditation can put us back in the game and improve our day. The poets say life is a game, a game you just can’t win. The game always ends in death for all of us, so enjoy it while it lasts. As Guy Lombardo sang, “Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.” Let’s all enjoy ourselves while we are here on earth.

1 comment:

  1. This was very helpful, as I get older, the pounds come on.
