Saturday, August 12, 2023

230812 Alive in the moment

This came to me this morning as I was answering an email sent by a friend.

We are alive and kicking
Our clock is still ticking
When our clock stops, our battery has depleted
No one knows by whom, we’ll be greeted

My guess is, it is those, who have traveled the road less taken
Those who have become spiritually awakened
Mothers and fathers, who have raised us through our early years
Those who passed and for them, we shed tears

I think about my Joyce every day
I wonder if, after death, she will lead my spirit away
I’m old enough, confident enough, I don’t fear passing on
I wonder what new journey I’ll be led upon

My earthly time will be like footprints in the sand
Soon to be erased from the land
Some will remember me for a while
Those who loved me, may even smile

Those who despised me, may think it’s a happy day
That won’t concern me, because I’ll have passed away


  1. Bill: I still enjoy your post for reason you yet don’t know. I loss my wife last August due to dementia. So I completely understand feel the same emotions that you write about. Keep on writing my friend.

    1. We share a burden together and I imagine as do many others in our age group. Joyce will have been gone for 2 years in September. I miss her every day. She was alive one day and passed in less than 24 hours. I imagine your tribulation was much longer than mine. Were you married for a long time? I imagine so. Your situation must have lasted much longer than mine, but now we are in the same situation and I don't know if it ever completely ends, but over time the pain may lessen. I still think about Joyce every day, but the tears have subsided. I wish you well.
      Brother Bill
