Monday, August 14, 2023

230814 Unsafe Food

I believe you will find this hard to believe, but it is true!

The U.S government claims that we have the safest food in the world because it is regulated by their food inspectors, the truth is much of our food is not safe to eat. I watched in horror yesterday a documentary on Netflix showing how food gets contaminated. The documentary’s title is, “Rotten.”

In the documentary it is shown how food gets contaminated and it is shocking! Our government regulators are controlled by the massive food companies they are supposed to regulate.

All chicken products arrive in our stores with salmonella in the meat. Ground hamburger is the most contaminated food of all meats in our grocery stores. Our leafy greens are contaminated, especially Romaine lettuce, spring mix salads and all packaged lettuce you see in plastic bags in the grocery stores. The top regulator over fresh foods like lettuce was asked directly if she would eat Romaine lettuce. Her reply was a simple NO!

There is so much in the documentary I can’t write it all down. I hit the highlights above. For the nitty gritty you need to see the documentary for yourself. I watched the documentary and was simply shocked.

I had been eating a salad from those plastic bagged salads every day. I had been having some awful stomach and digestive issues. I noted they were showing up after consuming the salads, but I was not sure that the salads were the reason because I was eating other things with them. After seeing this documentary, I knew it was the bagged salads. The documentary goes into great detail what taints our foods and how it happens. They also go into the severe, life threatening events that happen to people as a result of food borne contamination. People have died, or lost liver function or had gall bladders removed (Mine was removed and now I have a suspicion why.)

Watch the documentary for yourself and decide if you are willing to take the risk. Your life may depend on it.

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