Wednesday, July 26, 2023

230726 Overcoming Living Alone

Wednesday July 26, 2023

I will be 78 years old in a few days. I never thought this would happen. I never thought about getting old. Having a daily routine now has helped me immensely. Despite living alone, I make my bed every morning. That starts my day with an accomplishment. The next thing I do is thank the Lord for another day. If it’s a good day, that is great. If it turns out to be a bad day, I accept it for what it is. I keep myself busy every day. There’s always something to do, even if it’s mopping the kitchen floor, or cleaning the toilet. I do it and feel better afterward. I don’t like those things, but doing them is another accomplishment.

I’ve lost count of how many times I have rearranged the furniture. That keeps me strong and makes me feel I’ve accomplished one more thing.

I’ve begun working toward minimalism, by getting rid of excess things in my life. If I don’t use something frequently, it’s donated and gone. I've donated over half of my clothes and now I have more room in my closet. Some of my clothes hadn’t been worn for years, so why store them and take up space? Decluttering my space declutters my life as well.

During my life, I spent a lot of time with negative thoughts filling my mind, worrying about something bad happening. It turned out that what I worried the most about rarely ever happened. Now I am trying to only allow and consider positive events happening and I feel better for it. Of course bad things will happen no matter what, but I accept them for what they are and move on.

Everything that ever happens begins with a thought. The thought becomes an action. What we think is what we do. If we dread a task, but plunge into it anyway, things go awry. If we approach a task with the thought that we will overcome the problem, we accomplish the job with ease.

Socrates, centuries ago, once said, “man, know thyself.” Later day theologians have varying perspectives on the meaning of the Socrates quote. To me it means that if you know yourself, you know your limitations, you know why you are what you are. You accept who you are. You know what you truly want in life and only then can you seek it.

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