Thursday, July 27, 2023

230727 Climate Change

I don’t care if this is a cyclical event or it is man made, either way we are set to have the hottest year in history.

This is the fourth year in a row that I am writing about climate changes and this year has the worst predictions so far.

My friend Barry sent me a news story about Canyon Lake near where he lives in Texas. With no rain for weeks or the whole summer so far the lake is at its lowest level ever in history. Lake Mead in Nevada is at historic low levels. The west coast is in big trouble with low water levels.

The problem we have with water levels will go away in the next coming years as temperatures continue with ever hotter years across the country and across the world. The polar ice caps are melting rapidly, more rapid than ever in recorded history. This will raise sea levels around the world. Our east coast navy has already been working on raising the piers in Norfolk, Virginia to accommodate rising sea levels. The problem is Norfolk and the eastern seaboard will be underwater in the coming years. Parts of New York will be underwater, including Manhattan. Florida will be mostly underwater. The California seaboard will become a series of small islands, leaving only the inland’s higher elevations dry. There’ll be no more New Orleans and Texas will become a much smaller state due to coastal flooding. The biggest cities in China, like Shanghai, will be underwater. No matter where we look across the world, its landmass will shrink. It’s a fact.

Sea levels in the late cretaceous period 80 million years ago saw sea levels 550 higher than today. According to the US geological survey, 125,000 years ago our eastern seaboard sea levels were 18 feet higher than today. This can and will happen in the years to come. It won’t affect us elders, but think about our grandchildren and their children. They will be impacted by this global warming. There are some tweaks we could do, such as reducing the use of fossil fuel and the release of methane gas, but this will not happen and maybe it is already too late.

I want to have happier things to write about, so this will be my last post about climate change and other bad news. I’m headed off to my fantasy world where everything is joy and laughter, the skies are sunny all day and there is joy in Mudville, because Casey did not strike out.

Brother Bill

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