Tuesday, May 30, 2023

230530 Happiness

Happiness can be in a circle all around us.

Even though we are the center of the circle, it doesn't mean we are happy.
We have all had good times and bad times. We are happy in the good times and sad in the bad times. Happiness is something everyone seeks, but how many are truly happy?

As long as a person has wants and desires he is not happy. The rich man is proud, but he is not happy. How could that be? The reason is because he always wants more than he has. He is living a perpetual want for more than he already has.
The poor man may be on the opposite end of the scale, having nothing but always wanting enough to live. So who then has happiness in this world?

I always thought having enough to be comfortable and not having too much, was the ideal way to live in happiness. That led me to a level of happiness while it lasted, but that was not yet true happiness.

I learned that true happiness is love! I had that with Joyce and then I was lost when she passed away. I was mired in grief for what seemed to be an endless period of time.

I am better now. The key for me is realizing that life still goes on and happiness comes to me from inside myself, through my thoughts. I am trying to only dwell on the present moment and only recognize and hold onto my good thoughts. I try not to allow sad thoughts to linger inside my mind. I am not yet where I want to be; I’m not yet in total control of my mind. I may never get there, but I hope to never stop trying to reach total loving happiness from inside myself. There will be joyous days and there will be sad days but I pray that I will continue on my journey. Life begins, life ends, what we have is the middle, the journey.


  1. Thank you for your comment. What I wrote came from my heart. I believe it to be true.
