Wednesday, May 31, 2023

230531 Simple Questions

In my daily musing, I often come up with odd thoughts.

If you had to lose a limb, which would you pick, an arm or a leg?
Next question, if you chose to lose an arm, which one would you pick?
I have done an experiment with only using one arm for a day. Doing daily chores with one arm is not an easy task. Try to prepare a meal using one arm. How difficult is it to make a sandwich? My dad lost his leg, but he still could get around a bit and he never went without a meal. He eventually had congestive heart failure and at times he would bloat up like a whale and had to go to a hospital to remove the bloating. I don’t know how that was done.

Joyce lost all her vision in one eye and only had 15-20 percent vision in the other eye after her first aneurysm. That was a challenge, one I would not want to have. She could no longer read or use the computer. That was a staggering blow.

We all can survive horrific challenges, but it’s not an easy task. I hope none of you have to suffer through anything mentioned here. If one or another thing mentioned above comes to you, remember that what Joyce and dad went through, they were still alive and still had some enjoyment in their lives. You can do it too.

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