Sunday, May 28, 2023

230528 The Power of Dreams

Dreams can span every human thought.

We all have dreams, whether we remember them or not. Dreams come from our subconscious mind that takes over when we sleep. Sleep is the time when the body heals itself and sorts out the thousands of our conscious thoughts during every day.

Dreams can be happy, sad, frustrating and also be prophetic.
I met Joyce in May of 63. In June of the same year I had a dream that we were getting married in a church. I was wearing navy dress blues, she was in a white dress. I had not yet enlisted in the navy and had no memory of what navy dress blues looked like at the time. In January of 64, that dream came true in the exact way the dream had come to me.

I was aboard the Kitty Hawk in late 66 or early 67 when I had a dream. In the dream, Joyce’s deceased grandfather and her deceased great aunt were helping a hundred year old man named Mister Dubler climb over a wall. I wrote Joyce a letter, telling her about the dream. Letters took a week to get from California to the Kitty Hawk operating off the coast of Vietnam. A week later I received a letter from Joyce that Mister Dubler had passed away. We did some calculation and figured that Mister Dibler’s death had occurred about the time I had the dream and Joyce and I had been composing our letters at about the same time. The letters had likely passed each other in the mail.

A few nights ago, I had a horrific dream that I was totally paralyzed. I woke up from the dream and I was paralyzed! I laid in bed, wide awake for several minutes of sheer terror! My mind tried to send out orders to my limbs to move, but my limbs did not respond. I did recover and the next day I did some research. I found out the condition is called sleep paralysis. The thing is that it does occur during dreams, but not after waking up. I can only suppose that I broke the mold as far as sleep paralysis is concerned. I hope and pray that my dream doesn’t become prophetic.

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