Friday, May 19, 2023

230519 Echoes

An echo is a sound that bounces back from another surface, or a repetition of an event or a feeling.

The echoes of the past are always there, in the back of my mind. They are a reminder of what I have lost, and of what I never had or did or ever will do. The future is not yet here and as the song goes, “Tomorrow may never come, for all we know.” All I have is this moment, this breath I take, nothing else is sure.

Those echoes of the past can weigh heavily on me at times. Here’s the thing with echoes, for the most part, they are useless to me and I can’t change or fix them. All they do is put a burden on my thinking. The past is gone, so when those thoughts creep back, I try to change my thinking to today, this moment, the only moment I have. I may for all I know, never wake up again. If that is so, I choose to enjoy the moment I am in right now. I don’t know what my future is or will be or will not be.

My goal is to live in the moment, take whatever comes and accept that it is what it should be. I’ll go with whatever happens and make the best of it. That is not always easy to do, but I am striving to accept it and live that way. Wish me luck, for I may need it to accomplish my goal.


  1. I think this is the best way to live when we are past our prime as they say. I am glad that my feet hit the floor every single morning and realize it may be my last. In other words live for today!

    1. I agree, today is all we have for sure. Our next breath, today's wake up, our first sip of coffee are all we have for certain. Live in the moment, not the past as I have done for too long. One big thing, forgive yourself for things you may have done and wish you hadn't done. That is over.
