Saturday, May 20, 2023

230520 AI

AI, Good and Evil.

Back in 1956 there was a science fiction movie titled “Forbidden Planet.” An excellent movie for its time. There was a robot in the movie that could build anything and could work 24 hours a day. The film was set in the 23rd century. Though the film was fantasy, that fantasy is now closer to reality. Everything but the spaceship is in the here and now, due to artificial intelligence, called AI.

AI has almost all of human history recorded and within 5 years will surpass all human intelligence, being able to learn more than a thousand times more and faster than a human being. AI robots will be able to do anything, better, faster than a human and do it 24 hours a day, no vacation, no sick days, no salary, no benefits to be paid. So the question is, what will humans do? Where is the value of a human being when the robots take over?

There is a major flaw in AI. That flaw is AI can go wild and do things not in the computer programs that have created them. They can and have created their own languages that we do not understand and begin doing things that are beyond the scope of those who created them. It has already happened a few years back on Facebook. Facebook had to pull the power to get things back under their control. So what will happen when AI takes over the electrical grid and does not let humans remove their power source?

These AI robots are learning to be human in every aspect. If that doesn’t scare you, think about the humans you know. Are they all good Christians? Everyone knows some person or persons who are bad people. AI will know all of those bad traits along with the good traits. Everything in this post is based on what is happening and what the future may likely bring. No worries mate, because things will get worse and those things are out of human or AI robot control.

Have you heard about the 6th human extinction yet? That may come before AI is done. Currently the north and south poles are shifting their axis. That is changing our magnetic field and opening up holes in the fields allowing harmful radiation to reach the earth and us humans. Our global warming is causing ice glaciers to melt into the ocean. The melting ice will cause sea levels around the world to rise by at least 10 feet. Goodbye much of California and most of our eastern seaboard. Goodbye New York, Florida and many other areas. This is in motion and is unstoppable. It’s only a matter of a short time, a few years. Storms will become ever greater than we can imagine.

So what do we do? Well I for one will live every moment I have left, relish every day I have. You may want to open your favorite beverage, smoke em if you got em, kick back and enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think. Pray, meditate and prepare for when you become a spirit in the afterlife, the place you came from before you were born, your true home, with abundant love and peace in the presence of our Lord. Robots are not allowed, only us angels.

Everything in this post, except for the previous paragraph, is based on what I have read and as you may know, you can't believe everything you read. Carpe Diem, Latin for seize the day.

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