Tuesday, May 16, 2023

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It's been a day or two or three since I posted. There is a reason why I haven't sent anything. This old man had nothing to say at the moment. I know that sounds strange, but I am well. I've been pondering the wonders of life and death. I'm thinking about happiness and spiritualism and what I will be doing in the future. I'll be 78 in two months time and that makes life uncertain for long range planning. I'm simply living in the moment and taking in whatever life may bring to me. My daily routines aren't interesting to anyone else, but they keep me moving instead of doing nothing. I do enjoy taking walks any day the weather permits. I keep pairing down things I no longer need. I'm working on that minimalism track. This morning I had a large duffle bag filled with things that haven't been used in years. There's more to go, but not today. There may be a point when I'll want to or need to move and being the old sailor that I am, I'll be traveling light. A man my age doesn't need a lot to live on. I could live with far less than what is in my apartment. For the moment, I'll enjoy the comforts I have. I am used to living alone now after 18 months of experience doing it. I've found out I like it. I have no one to consider other than myself in my days and nights. I can do whatever I want, when I want. If a visitor or visitors stop by I enjoy that, but I am also just fine by myself. This is the first time in my life that I was alone and it was tough assimilating into my new life, that I enjoy immensely.

I believe life is determined by what we think, no action is done without first a thought. So the key is to have the right thinking. An old navy chief told me once that any duty station can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. He was right. I lost that lesson for a long time, but now I have regained it. My life is what I want it to be. I was sad for a long time, but I changed my thinking from all the grief to all the good. I'm still in the same abode, still have the same things here, and still have the same bills to pay. All that has changed is my perception of my life. There will still be days when I regress, there will be things I have no control over, the sun won't be shining, but I’ll get through with a smile.

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