Thursday, May 11, 2023

230511 Cellular Phones

In this post I refer frequently to Big Brother. Big Brother is a mysterious master of everyone and everything who can have you arrested at any time and send you to reindoctrination. He is a character in George Orwells’ prophetic book “1984.” The book was considered fantasy in 1949. Big Brother represents a government that watches all and knows all and has complete control over everyone's life.

I suppose everyone has a cell phone these days.

Cell phones are a marvel of technology and at the same time a curse. Cell phones let Big Brother know exactly where you are and by that he knows what you may be doing there. He knows almost everything about you and where you go. He knows who you talk to and who they talk to. He has records of everything. While you may be a good person, someone you know may know someone they know who knows someone who is a bad person. Big Brother then makes a giant leap and suspects that you may be involved with that bad person, so then Big Brother pays more attention to you and all of those you know.

Imagine that you had a job. That job was to sit all day and type in data or watch silly videos that someone else made or captured. The job would require you to reply to everything you saw. You had to take pictures of everything around you and then report on what you saw. You were required to do those things, but you were not paid to do that, in fact you had to pay to do your job. Eventually you might get tired of that. Every time you use your cell phone you are doing that job and Big Brother is watching you. By now you may be thinking that I am slightly delusional, paranoid and being silly. Perhaps I am, perhaps I am not. What I have said is true and verifiable. Your question should be, am I entwined in a situation where I am innocent, but I am still under Big Brother’s radar? I hope you never find out you are, but if you are, you can thank your cell phone for that. I am simply a messenger. Take what I have written and believe it or not.


  1. Oh you are so right Bill. And we are sooooo screwed! LOL

    1. Thank you! I was talking to a friend yesterday and we agreed that cell phones are causing people's intelligence to diminish and they can't stay focused on what they need to do. Instead they become addicted to looking at their phone waiting for an incoming call to verify their value to another person. I hope that makes sense.
