Sunday, April 30, 2023

230430 Otherworldly Things


Every day seems to be stranger than the one before. Maybe I am seeing things others do not. I might think something is going to happen and then it does happen or I moght see things that others don't see. I think one has to believe in things that are beyond normal in order to see them.

Some may think my mind is playing tricks on me and I’m wondering about that myself, but I don’t believe so. A psychologist would tell me that as long as I think I’m crazy, that really means I’m not because people that are crazy never think that they are indeed crazy.

I’m having fewer dreams at night, than I was having before. Yet I’m having more strange things that happen and I’m sensing more things that will happen and in a short time before they do occur. I don’t have any control over this and I don’t have a clue what will happen to anyone else at any given time. At times I can tell when I am about to have a phone call and they happen within a few minutes but that may not be different from anyone else. There are a few things that have happened that I don’t share openly because I don’t think anyone would believe them.


  1. I'm open to anything. There's no telling what might be out there!

    1. I feel the same way. I believe there are more things here on Earth than most people realize. If you do not believe you will not see the things you do if you believe in spirits. One night I woke up some months ago and I saw Joyce standing beside my bed. As soon as I started to speak she vanished from sight. I doubt many people would believe that, but it happened and it was not a dream. I do have dreams with her and my parents in them, but dreams are different than reality and it is easy to tell the difference.
