Friday, April 28, 2023

230428 Money

It’s been said that money is the root of all evil.

I don’t know who came up with that phrase, but I suppose it is true. That is, however, only half of the story. It seems to me that not having any money is also the root of all evil.

We cannot survive in today’s world without money. One of my dreams long ago when we bought the farm was to live there self-sustained and off the grid. I quickly found out even farmers who grow all their food and raise their meat products require money to do so.

A farm needs water and water requires a well and a well needs electricity to pump. Shallow wells self dug have contamination in them which will make people sick. A bad crop year from blight or drought makes for a hungry winter. Winter requires heat and that means electricity or a lot of sawing wood. We spent 14 days in January 2007 with no electricity. I was up at the crack of dawn and out all day until dark sawing and gathering wood to keep the fireplace going so we had at least a 40 degree temperature inside the house. The fireplace required adding wood through the night. Those were long hard days.

Everything requires money and people without it are prone to theft and worse, robbery. That is evil. Money is a two edged sword. Those who have a lot of it are never satisfied, or happy and they always want more. Those who don’t have any money are not happy about the situation and are in desperate need for survival. Either way, money creates evil. Those who have enough to live comfortably are probably the most satisfied on the scale of happiness.

This is my thinking in this post. I don’t know if it is correct or not. I don’t even know where I am on the scale. I appreciate any thoughts you may have on this.

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